If I would be a flower than…

Every human being is like a flower waiting to bloom, having the potential to bring beauty and joy to the world. Just like flowers we need water and care to grow, we need care to reach our full potential. A seed without water and care will never reach its full potential. It’s up to us to nurture our own growth and care for each other, helping each other blossom into the fullest version of ourselves.

During the Victorian era, expressing emotions was considered inappropriate, especially in public. This was a result of the strict social norms of the time that emphasized modesty, self-control, and decorum. As a result, people often resorted to using symbols and gestures to express their emotions without stating them explicitly. One of the most popular ways to do this was through the use of flowers.

Did you know that flowers have a hidden language?

The language of flowers, also known as floriography, became a popular way of communication during the Victorian era. Each flower had a certain meaning and was used to convey a certain feeling. For example, the red rose symbolized love, while the yellow rose symbolized friendship. The language of flowers allowed people to express their emotions without breaking the rules of society.

One of the most interesting aspects of the language of flowers is the hidden meaning behind certain flowers. For example, did you know that hydrangea symbolizes sincere emotion and gratitude? Or that there is purity and humility in the symbolism of the lily? These are just a few of the many flowers with hidden meanings that were used during the Victorian era.

Flowers and Symbols

👉🏻Sunflower – symbolizes adoration, loyalty and the desire to be seen and appreciated. This is a popular and modern flower that is still associated with joy, light and warmth.

👉🏻Chrysanthemum – during the Victorian era, this was often used to express sadness or regret as it is a flower that blooms late in the autumn season. Today, the chrysanthemum is often associated with honoring and remembering the deceased.

👉🏻Iris – this was a popular flower during the Victorian era as it symbolized hope and courage. The iris can have different meanings depending on its color. The blue iris symbolizes trust and tranquility, while the yellow iris symbolizes friendship and joy.

👉🏻Carnation – this is a popular flower that symbolizes passion, but depending on the color, the carnation can have different meanings. The red carnation symbolizes love and desire, the white carnation symbolizes purity and innocence, and the pink carnation symbolizes motherly love.

In our hectic world today, it can be difficult to find the time and space to connect with our emotions. The language of flowers offers a unique way to connect with our feelings and express them in a creative and meaningful way. By including flowers in our lives, we can add beauty, color and symbolism to our daily routines and create a deeper connection with ourselves and others.

Inquiry and Flowers

I leave you with some thoughts for self inquiry:

  1. What kind of flower am I? Think about the characteristics of different types of flowers, such as their color, smell and shape. How do these qualities reflect who you are as a person? Are you bold and vibrant like a sunflower, or soft and delicate like a cherry blossom?
  2. What conditions do I need to thrive? Like flowers, humans have unique needs in order to grow and flourish. Consider what kind of environment, support system, and self-care practices you need in order to thrive. Do you need plenty of sunshine and fresh air, or quiet time alone to recharge?
  3. How do I respond to challenges? Just like flowers face challenges such as harsh weather and pests, humans also encounter difficulties and setbacks. Consider how you respond to adversity. Do you wilt under pressure, or do you find ways to adapt and grow stronger?
  4. How can I share my beauty with the world? Flowers bring joy and beauty to those around them. Consider what unique gifts and talents you have to offer the world. How can you share your beauty and creativity with others, whether through your work, your relationships, or your passions?

May you be inspired,



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