Within the labyrinth of our existence, a profound odyssey takes place. It is a journey to discover the vast landscapes within ourselves, where the fragile threads of attachment entwine with the rich tapestry of belonging. Along this enigmatic road, we encounter the guardians of our soul – the well-intentioned beliefs that once shielded us from harm but now impede our growth.

In this tale, akin to the Little Prince’s encounters, we come to realize that slaying these protectors is not the path to liberation. Rather, it is about taming these ancient sentinels, cultivating a harmony that allows them to evolve into steadfast allies.

As we traverse the winding paths, we encounter milestones forged by our good intentions. Yet, we find ourselves entangled in their grasp, unable to freely wander amidst the vastness of our own being. These beliefs, once our saviors, now manifest as imposing roadblocks, stifling the whisper of our inner voice yearning to be heard.

To embark on this transformation, we summon the courage to question our very essence. Who are we beneath the veils woven by these well-intentioned walls? Which beliefs empower our spirit, and which shackles constrain our growth?

This inner quest demands a delicate dance, a dance of liberation and acceptance. We embark upon a process of taming, not annihilating, our guardians. We learn to understand their ancient wisdom, their reasons for safeguarding our fragile souls. In this symbiotic bond, they shed their defensive armor, revealing their true nature as staunch allies.

I propose three magical potions inspired by #compassionateinquiry, three aids to guide us through this labyrinth, lighting our path to self-discovery.

  • What attachments do I cling to, anchoring me to a realm devoid of genuine belonging?
  • How can I embrace and transform my well-intentioned beliefs, allowing them to become nurturing allies?
  • How can I cease the relentless pursuit of love outside myself and embody the love that flows through my being?

Like a compass guiding us home, Phillyda Anam-Aire’s profound wisdom beckons us, “We will realize we were looking for love instead of living the love we are.”

Thus, with each step, we unravel the intricate layers of our existence. We unearth the love that resides within our very core, an eternal flame waiting to be kindled. As we tame these guardians and cultivate harmony, we find ourselves attuned to the symphony of our own hearts, embracing our belonging in this wondrous tapestry of life.

In this journey of self-realization, we awaken to the love we have been seeking, for it was within us all along, patiently waiting to be acknowledged, nurtured, and lived.


May you be inspired,



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